I have participated in team builds in the past that
just did not work for me. The team build at Build A Biz is simple and is working for me.
Step 1 - Upgrade to Pro Executive member. This is only $14 per month and gives you access to all the business building tools you will need.
Step 2 - Get at least 200 hits a week to the team build link which the owner of Build A Biz provides to you. Here is my team link: https://buildabizonline.com/ts72
The team build focuses on getting you 2 Pro Executive members in your downline at which point you will be in profit every month.
Once you have your 2 paid members, then the focus will be getting your 2 paid members 2 paid members of their own and on it goes.
This is my tools demonstration page from Build A Biz: https://buildabizonline.com/ts73
I hope you find this information useful.
Gary Goodworth
You are already surfing traffic exchanges. Why not get paid to do so? Promo Slice has paid me several times for surfing the 5 sites that are participating the days the events are running.
We already went over the fact that as a member of Viral Traffic Games, when you click on the VTG icon in whatever traffic exchange you are surfing or safelist mailer you are earning credits in, you will get extra credits, banners, text ads and cash in that safelist mailer or traffic exchange you are currently working. Viral Traffic Games also features something called side quests. These are Viral Traffic Games that give you a chance to win some cash from Viral Traffic Games each week. One side quest is the Traffic Exchange diamond tournament. Collect 10 diamonds from the 3 traffic exchanges that are participating for the diamond tournament that day and get your name put in a weekly cash raffle drawing at Viral Traffic Games. Here is a splash page that promotes the traffic exchange diamond tournament: https://viraltrafficgames.com/splashpage.php?splashid=7&rid=11107
When you are surfing, you will see this symbol -VTG - many times while you surf. This is the Viral Traffic Games symbol. If you are a member of Viral Traffic Games, if you click on the VTG symbol while you surf, a map pops up on the next tab. You move your character one or two spaces on the map and you will win credits, banners and cash from the website you are surfing on. This is just the basic understanding of Viral Traffic Games. You can win cash from Viral Traffic Games as well. More on this in my next blog. Viral Traffic Games - https://viraltrafficgames.com/?rid=11107
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