It is necessary for you to surf and to promote to earn cash.
For every 20 sites you surf you need a hit to your referral link (find it in Toolbox menu) to earn prizes.
Join the badge programs from the Golden Badge sites and advertise your referral link there.
Having a combination of surfing and promoting your referral id will result in signups and a place in the winners circle, I notice every week that some top surfers here are not promoting enough and losing out on cash prizes.
To succeed at LIAS you need to consistently surf at the same time as promoting your referral I’d. Action will bring success 😀
One of the critical things to understand about online business in the 2020’s is that you need to make trusted friends before they will consider buying from you. Don’t charge in with the hard sell. It doesn’t work. Relax and get to know people first and then let your influence bring sales at the right time.
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